NZ cuisine is culturally diverse - with European, Maori, Polynesian, Asian and Indian influences. It 's a reflection of the country's multicultural society, geography and history. Kiwi barbecues - with NZ beef, lamb, sausage and fish - are a big part of culture, and classify the relaxed, informal and friendly nature of the kiwi.

The focus of New Zealand cuisine with fresh ingredients - fresh mussels and seafood, lean and tender beef, lambor Cervena (venison), the best dairy products in the world of the garden, fruit (apples, pears, and kiwi) and vegetables, world class wines - there is no shortage of high-quality cooking ingredients.
World Cuisine
Typical dishes include roast leg of lamb, New Zealand, traditionally known in New Zealand as "Colonial Goose, grilled or fried Muttonbird (a Maori delicacy) and Pavlova, the national dessert." Fish and chips (French fries) is the traditional NZ takeaway (take-out), and Hokey PokeyIce, the symbol of the ice.
Every year in New Zealand earns three-quarters of a million tonnes of fish from coastal waters and exclusive economic zone under the quota management system for success. The delicate flavors of fresh fish NZ, as Hoki, hake, orange roughy, or SNAP Royal Pacific salmon are perfect with New Zealand fusion cuisine. Raw shellfish, such as paua (abalone) and Ling (eel) are best served raw in sushi or sashimi -style, while green-lipped mussels, rocksoysters, lobster (crustaceans) or Bluff are delicious when marinated.
The traditional Maori hangi (pronounced Hung-ee) is a different kind of cooking is very NZ. Kumara (potatoes), along with chicken, pork, lamb, cabbage, squash, stuffing and bread pudding steam umu (earth oven) cooking. A hole is dug in the ground and covered with hot stones. A basket of steel with the food is placed on hot stones. After creating a short jet of water vapor on the stones,is covered with banana leaves damp sheep. potatoes or wet sacks of sugar placed over the wet leaves. The hole is then filled with earth and left to steam for several hours. The result of the smoky flavor is delicious hangi, and a great dining experience for tourists.
An important element is the New Zealand cuisine is innovation through research and technology. New Zealand adopts new variety and general consumer products to develop.
In 1970, newNew Zealand deer farming pioneer. Today is the leading manufacturer and exporter of game farming.
New Zealand has developed Royal Gala and Braeburn apples, now known as a premium eating apple. New Zealand improved production techniques, post-harvest procedures, quality assurance programs, transportation and distribution market for the Kiwis.
The community of food and wine
to complete the course of the last 30 years, New Zealand wines develop slowlythe kitchen. The world famous Sauvignon Blanc from NZ's Marlborough region is now rated the best in the world with its unique aromas of gooseberry, passion fruit, lime, melon, nectarines, red pepper (Capsicum) and asparagus. Fresh is best with Sauvignon Blanc. His vibrant flavor enhance the freshness of seafood and white fish, especially if served with citrus sauce and garlic and fresh salad with tomatoes and peppers in the summer.
NZ Pinot Noir is now officiallyThe large (red) wines in the world. Martinborough Pinot Noir from the region has the highest praise for New Zealand with its strong flavors of ripe plum and deserves great concentration. The South Island regions of Marlborough and Nelson produce Pinot Noir with strong cherry and plum flavors, while Central Otago Pinot Noir producing region with strong black cherry flavors.
NZ Pinot Noir is a wide choice of dishes. Lean veal, venison or turkey, are perfect withPinot Noir. The flavors of cherry Pinot Noir from the South to integrate the flavors of Turkey, like the classical decoration, the cranberry sauce.
NZ Chardonnay earned a reputation as a versatile food wine. Fresh, young NZ Chardonnay is compatible with most seafood, like clams, shrimp, crabs, fish and white meat salmon delicious. Older NZ Chardonnay is rich and complex with aromas of hazelnut concentrate that are mixed with stronger dishes and cream sauce.
NZ sparkling wineGenerally stronger and have more fruit flavor and have lower acidity than Champagne. From full-bodied Pinot Noir with subtle and delicate Blanc de Blanc (100% Chardonnay), NZ dress sparkling wines of a wide range of light dishes to taste like shrimp, crabs, clams, caviar, fish and white meat.
New Zealand's capacity for production, red wines from Bordeaux varieties complement the country's reputation for making quality white wine. Cabernet Sauvignon and CabernetSauvignon / Merlot blends are full-bodied, with aromas of ripe berries ..
high-fat meats such as lamb or duck, have strong flavors, which are an excellent addition to Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Sauvignon / Merlot blends. Merlot is less intense in flavor and in the form of lean meats and hearty dishes like stews or casseroles.
The delicate flavors and acidity of the aromatic dry wines, such as New Zealand Riesling, Gewurztraminer and Pinot Grigio, with a wide spectrum of moderately spiced mixtureSalads, seafood and chicken dishes. Slightly sweet aromatic wines are delicious with spicy Thai and Asian dishes. You can also meet vegetarian dishes, or his or fresh fruit like soft blue cheese.
In truth, kiwi and excellence in wine and shows the ingenuity of the foods that are produced from New Zealand are as big as one of the world's largest producers of food and beverages.
NZ Cuisine
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