Italian cuisine is without doubt one of the best known and appreciated throughout the world and restaurants of Italian cuisine in the world, most popular by far, although they have often lost their connections with the homeland and the plates are then taken to local shows debilitating sometimes borders on comedy.

The great strength of Italian cuisine, and, paradoxically, its limit is the great diversity that characterizes it.The kitchen has a large number of countries moved from one region to another based on differences of climate, terrain and history. In Italy these factors is very diverse and varied, brought Italian food for what it is, a kitchen, the mileage is very different from a few hundred.
World Cuisine
The differences in climate and soil are obvious: it comes from the Alps, with the typical mountain climate, the Po Valley, continental climate, the hills of central, coastalThe areas to the southern regions and islands, with its temperate climate. These differences have an impact not only on available resources (like fish on the coast, inland, meat), but also finished products. Consider a product used for sausages in the traditional Italian food like that. In the Emilia Romagna region is a humid climate, with cold winters perfect seasoning for meat, a small addition of salt and therefore the production of sausages "soft" and it allowedTuscany in the unfavorable environment requires the use of a lot of salt in the south has forced the addition of spices even more aggressive, such as chili pepper and other spices to ensure the conservation and cover all the unpleasant taste of the meat.
The factor that most influenced Italian cooking, however, is historical: the turbulent history of our country, countries from invasion and a high degree of fragmentation of states and has led to a small continuousgreat cultural diversity that everyone has a great influence on the area of the kitchen. For example, and the cuisine of Lombardy and Emilia are fields in the French style, is based on cow meat and meat products, butter and milk. Starting Romagna, the province of Bologna, only radically change the traditional cuisine: The cheese is sheep, sheep is used on both, and use extra virgin olive oil. The limit, determined that these differences is what separates the state of the churchLombard rule and initially linked to the traditions of grazing and cultivation of the second associated with animal husbandry. These examples are dozens, all over the Italian territory, and so Italian food has become what it is a collection of dozens of local and regional cuisine.
The disadvantage of not having a national cuisine Italian
The French do not deny we have a national cuisine, a true "Italian cuisine", but only had a strong localCooking utensils made of "grandmother, so good, but not refined. No coincidence that the great Italian food famous noodles are really simple meals such as pizzas and fast food classic cuisine of the poor as its rich with the national courts:, so sweet selection of dishes of meat, good cheese eggs, finely cooking tomato sauce, however, the French. large kitchen is recognized as a major.In other words, less variety, but with large pillars.
If we take the whole situation, flights with a kitchen so varied, and these differences can only be beneficial. Perhaps the problem of Italian cuisine is a cultural ... A problem with the Italians, rather than its cuisine. The narrow-mindedness and power struggles between local authorities, duchies and small states that have shaped our history has an influence on the image of our kitchen: the inability to make a system that for the typicalItalian mentality that somehow prevents the Italian kitchen to look like a big national, but as a series of small regional cuisines, the sum does not reach the absolute value it deserves.
Another problem with this approach is the cultural proximity of the Italians, if they are too often the state of the yard and I thought it not better than those available in their area and what their mother in the kitchen preparing to go home. This lack of transparency can not beItalians, a people earlier in terms of food culture, in comparison to other countries where the various cuisines of the world every public were in contact with another by the taste of the open and people's mentality.
Italian Food
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