around the world have to get people to learn more about different cultures around the world and the rich in Asia, thanks to the spread of the Internet and the migration of Asian. If you want to explore the cuisines of the three major Asian countries, here is a quick.

World Cuisine
China is one of the largest countries in the world, both in area and population. Like many large countries, each region has within its bordersSpecialties. However, Chinese cooking is usually contain a lot of noodles or rice and a complementary dish with vegetables, meat or fish. Chicken and fish are popular sources of meat. The food is served in small bite-sized pieces that can be easily taken with chopsticks. Chinese food is served in large portions of urban areas. Each dinner is a bowl of rice and everyone takes food from local food with chopsticks or other utensils.
Authentic Chinese cuisine, asas opposed to American-Chinese food, and an abundant use of spices known. Two of its regions, Hunan and Sichuan are mainly for its small but fiery red pepper, used in sauces. Two regions, Canton on the mainland compared to Hong Kong and Shanghai on the north coast is famous for the quality and abundance of fresh fish.
Moving to the south-east China, Korea has a cuisine that differs from its larger neighbors.Peppers, garlic, onions, ginger, mustard, sesame and bean paste, Korean cuisine is characterized by use of some spices. chili paste is another favorite flavor, and often as a dressing table, so guests can add more to their liking served. Koreans also for food, such as the popular dish of fermented cabbage kimchi.
The Korean barbecue cooking method pulgoki become known as the People in many parts of the world. Meat cooked in this way is usually covereda sauce based on soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic and sugar. The addition of other ingredients may vary from another region, and, sometimes, a chef from another. Korea is situated on a peninsula that access to the Yellow Sea, the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, most of Korean cuisine is the fish. Small dried sardines, dried squid and algae are often found in Korean cuisine.
The Japanese wereSeafarers for hundreds of years. Because of this widely available resource, the Japanese chefs prepare sushi or raw fish, raised to an 'art. Japanese courts typically include a bowl of rice selected, soups, vegetables and fish, from a variety such as squid, octopus, eels, clams and other seafood. Japanese flavors are often subtle, but there are brilliant and amazing wasabi, a spicy cucumber, judges may be added or as a sauce for themselves. Other commoncondiments Japanese rice vinegar, mirin, miso, sake and soy sauce. Algae, ginger, mushrooms and beans, are used to the taste of both rice and soup.
Serves the Chinese community where stress, stress covers Japanese aesthetic. Food served often presented in many different dishes with small portions in a highly stylized. The deliberate choice of foods and their arrangement on the table, considered as important as food for the food itself.Japanese food is eaten with chopsticks or cutlery, depending on the food.
Many Asian cuisine delights
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