When people think of "French food," mental images of the French flag, trendy restaurants, table settings complicated and difficult to pronounce words come to mind. And even though the kitchen and French is usually the world served in bistros, brasseries, steak houses and dinner at home, a significant number of restaurants in France and in French across the species continues to satisfy the most daunting - the "Haute Cuisine ", literally" high cooking ".

FoodGuests may argue that death is haute cuisine, but old habits die hard, artisans, and needless to say that the type of kitchen needs these advanced craft. The haute cuisine has always been much bustle of preparation, even though formally, as its primary objective is to celebrate dining as an art form. The food is prepared and served with a more elaborate attention to detail, and the goal is perfection. The perfection in this art meansSearch and find the purest flavors of natural products. While some courts and, of course, some French chefs cook the best ingredients and satisfied the second link, the chefs of haute cuisine knows that the quality of the dishes, also offers great products from all over the grandiose. Make no mistake in thinking that they adhere completely to their normal routes and leave no room for innovation. You in front of moreRecent developments in cooking, but still keep in mind the essential elements of their great tradition of excellence and are usually careful with their experiments.
World Cuisine
Intimidation by setting the table full and complex arrangement of cutlery occur in a restaurant can easily be overcome. The glasses are easy to understand, because the waiters pour on it as a rule, drink what you want. As for the silverware, basic table etiquette tells us that most are those usually used firstalthough some dishes have their own equipment, and what are the foods that arise from it.
Lunch in a restaurant, haute cuisine, always begins with a drink that stimulates the appetite, which, as the so-called cocktail and ends with another drink that aids digestion in the digestive asked. The courses are known and fairly simple. You have the starter, main course, dessert and - this is wonderfully clear and French - the fourth beingCheese. If you eat out, in France, cheese is more likely to come before dessert, while in other countries, the cheese can be.
If the menu is entirely in French, and goes from fast wave "au revoir" and rushed out the exit, keep trying, the "table d'hôte" or "prix fixe" menu, find the offers opportunities for a menu that includes all courses. If this does not speak to the waiter. Discuss with him what is popular, whatcould recommend, and what are the ingredients for some of the courses. In this way you can be pretty sure of what you eat, and your experience is not haute cuisine such a disaster. Once done with your orders, then comes the best part - eating. The waiter who could bring in small servings of sorbet between courses to cleanse your palate for the next course, the tradition of bringing needed to tap into the purest taste of food.
As long as you lookthe basics and choose your assignments carefully, and himself to be adventurous at the same time, experience haute cuisine offers a delight for the palate, perfection is reinforced by the experience, technology and the right touch.
Eating French - Do not be afraid to haute cuisine
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