ethnic food is a common human tradition, national or cultural factors, including different types of cooking. Religion also influences what people eat. There are many types of cooking and religions.

Muslims are forbidden to eat pork and alcohol. You can only eat meat from a butcher preparing Halal (Halal means permitted or lawful. It is food that is permissible under Islamic dietary guidelines).
World Cuisine
Hindu - most Hindus do not eat meat, but no meat. Because they believe that the cowSikh holy (halal meat), and Buddhists are vegetarians.
Jews do not use the milk and meat together in the kitchen, eat only kosher meat. (Kosher slaughtered meat in particular)-3h has passed between the use of milk and meat).
Asian - Oriental / Far East make use of herbs and spices in the kitchen.
Chinese food - food is one of the most popular around, Chinese believe that its important to find food for the balance and harmony in every aspect of life including. L 'are four main styles of cooking ...
1. Beijing noodles, dumplings, fried steam (fried duck)
2. District of rice is usually used
3. Shanghai - a robust way of cooking
Szechwan - needs a lot of flour / oil, garlic and ginger, hot spices and chillies.
Greek - with fresh ingredients, well seasoned with a pinch of herbs and spices, stewed, fried or grilled with the use of olive oil, yogurt and lemon juice to enhance the flavors.
India - India Pakistan to use what is called the Mogul style of cooking (the Shah of Iran used the royal title)
Shah - are healthy, vigorous, meat eaters who use more grain of rice, tandoori kitchen is also used. a (cooking meat is marinated in a Tandoori intense heat. And 'red or yellow, red annatto seeds and saffron yellow, depending on the marinade you used.
Mexican cuisine - a kind of food or a Spanish influence in the Middle East.
MexicanKitchen> is known nationally for its various flavors, colorful decoration and the variety of spices and ingredients, many of the natives. Using the more grain.
Caribbean cuisine varies from island to island, depending on where you are: there may be a bit 'of French, Indian, Spanish, English, Dutch, or Indian.
Fly Barbados and Trinidad coucou - Callalou Jamaica - ackee and salt fish Dominica - Mountain chicken St. Lucia - green fig and salt fish cakes Antigua -Pepper Pot Grenada - oil down. These are some of the national courts the Caribbean.
Ethnic Cuisine
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