Cruise Line, for mainstream luxury brands are now able to affiliate with the celebrity chefs in general, are "consulting chef" whose stature that can qualify as a surprise to many "best in the world" in one way or 'else. Not only are they very honored with many Michelin star, which they owned or managed some of the most famous restaurants in the world. The role of a chef consultant was also very important when a new ship is a new line or on-boardThe restaurant is open. The chefs have recipes that successfully and consistently within the limits of the cruise ship kitchens, which are also known as the kitchen, can be produced. Recipes must also consider the scheduling of fresh ingredients that require the number of kitchen workers, their roles and the number of people, the food at every meal.

After the process of creating menus, chef's advice on the train cooks and kitchen staff how the new versionRecipes. This training can be done on earth or in the kitchen current cruise ship. No decent boss never gave his name to a kitchen, thus improving its reputation for thorough training and strict quality control are not.
World Cuisine
Cruise ships are limitations peculiar to these chefs. They are very strict controls of fire and the purity of government agencies and the Coast Guard. stoves grill flame coal or wood are made with theQuestion. If a ship starts to rock, cutting tools and fryers also can become lethal objects. Even if a ship, the 3,000 passengers up to 15,000 prepared meals a day, is another challenge to try recipes that do not want to create mass-produced. Some items are prepared in advance, but some menu items when they are cooked taste just a minute of Los Angeles.
The cruise lines employ hundreds of food preparation. In addition, the man, salads, desserts and other items that createcan be served before the meal, there is usually a chef for each menu item that is cooked as soon as it has to be served. Fillets, baked chicken, boiled fish, lobster, baked Alaska, and so on - a contemporary cruise ship can generate thousands of pieces manufactured individually for each meal on the spot. Adding to the challenges, the ingredients can not be delivered every day, and most ships are available at the beginning of each cruise, the cooks somehow manage to provide food as delicious as theserved in some of the best restaurants on the ground.
The best meals on board are usually found in the flavors of alternative cuisine restaurants, where the edge of the cruiser more surprisingly, the cut. Consistently good food can also ship dining rooms, in many cases are found with much more stringent limits for the experiments. Guests are usually paid a surcharge of between £ 15 - £ 30 for alternative or specialty restaurants, but a prepared meal to remember most of these chefsThey cost £ 50-100 per person on the ground, more if you include wine to spoil it's worth it.
Cruise line is the Gourmet Kitchen is not it?
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