Today we have turned into baby-killers and chomp on giant hornet larva - the immature children darting large black and orange wasp, which lives high in the hives in the trees of northern Thailand.
The wasp is called into question "dtor dua" You T-language, and children writhed blast that we're going to see the squash in a little culinary bliss' as an Australian or New Zealand witchetty grub grub huhu.
Thai Cuisine
They can also be eaten raw, or thrown in a wok untilcrispy fried with salt and pepper style.
Stir Hornets Nest - Nam prik Thai dip-based giant wasp larvae
The first dug a taste is OK.
In addition to getting your head around waiting for the "white fat grub ', actually taste and feel a little' bland as mashed potatoes. How mashed potatoes, soak in a bit 'of salt is a big step if one wishes to revive the taste.
I was so impressed with their raw materials, mainly because of the texture. Made me want more. But if you dip a northern-style 'nam prik' was made with coal roasted chili, Isay it was damn good.
I was rolling balls lumps of sticky rice greedy and erosion of the "tasty grub" without shame. The nest looks like a hive of cardboard, has seen under a magnifying glass.
I was surprised by the evil black nest, and why the hell no one is nailed, while dinner Lunches waspy. These bad guys have a potent sting can kill you, so do not pay to annoy them.
The secret is always a long stick withwee a fire at the end of the IT and semi-burn the wasps' nest. When I was a giant bumblebee, I took great exception to this Takla, but seems to work for the collector.
The miffed wasps disperse to escape the fire and burned the nest is dead pulled with all the other wasps. Those who are hunting for a nasty surprise come, not only burned their house - but also stolen.
Wasps do not have insurance, they still have a car to return home can not be happywhen they see the lack of the nest. Just what we need. Angry wasps.
I can imagine that after a long day of flying barren orchards in search of food or prey, the last thing they want, when they return home to build a new residence or looking for a substitute family.
Perhaps if he had a nagging wife, but ..... It does not matter. The easiest way to get that luxury-go is the whip on the market temporarily.
If some brave soul has found a nest of wasps and wantsPocket of hard earned money, they tend to sell in their local "Baan" or village. For a piece the size of two cigarette packs, which cost about 40 baht, which is about $ 1.20.
Here's the recipe, is that you can do with witchetty huhu grubs and worms. You may have to do with the larvae of bees, but are much smaller, and it would be a hassle to get them out of the honeycomb.
Giant Hornet larvae - first Lar GE T have chili (red or green) Salt Sugar
Skewer the chili and fry all over charcoal or gas flame until the skin blisters and black Crush in a mortar and pestle with a little 'salt Add in bumblebee larvae Crush.
Serve with sticky rice. Roll the sticky rice into balls, dip them in nam prik - and that's all.
Really delicious, almost smoky eggplant dip as a (think eggplant pulp!)
It also seems like an eggplant dip. This is one ofFood of insects, which is really great.
Full of energy, it is necessary to make a great tasting dishes with excellent consistency and mouth feel to get your head around the fact that children are eating the bugs.
I have pictures on the original blog post, so you can see the whole process, and are happy to answer any questions. I have even more insistent ct Cuis ine documented.
I'd like to see and hear your questions and comments to[Http: / / /]
Stir Hornets Nest - Nam prik Thai dip-based giant wasp larvae
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