If you are of Czech heritage and enjoy this wonderful way of cooking and kitchen, is likely to have enjoyed many of the recipes tried and true for generations past. But did you know that there are some new delicacies and unique on the Czech market now? Let us ...

Czech new kitchen is Dazzle your taste buds
World Cuisine
If you think the world of czech cuisine is all stews, soups and heavy parts, think again! CzechRepublic, with many innovative companies and cutting-edge, successful food are all kinds of new and interesting. Ranging from sweet treats to specialty drinks, mixes traditional package with a new variant, czech cuisine rooted in the 21st century now Century.
Here are some foods you need to know under the radar. Although it is difficult to find in grocery stores, online retailers, you can receive yourMani.
Fidorka dark chocolate
These chocolate treats in individual portions to come around to the scope of the cup of coffee. In our opinion, are better than any Swiss chocolate, and that's saying something. They come in white chocolate. Treatment for a really tasty sandwich of two chocolate wafers Fidorka peanut butter.
Horalky chocolate wafers
Staying on the theme of chocolate, wafers are Horalky size candy bar. They have a crispy exterior cocoaCover with brown inside. The chocolate hazelnut is combined with the very thing that makes this something special wafer. Absolutely unique and a Czech.
Gypsy Sauce
With a name like that, it must be interesting, no? In reality it is more than interesting, it's delicious! Gypsy sauce is slightly sweet and slightly spicy (hot or, if you will) of spices that are added to stews, soups, or on the side you want ketchup. It stimulates the taste is reallyShoots.
In the czech language, these cookies are known as Piskoty. They are soft and slightly sweet like a cookie. Children love them, and they appear in more and more recipes czech and Slovak.
And finally, there are:
Poprad Coffee
If you have a coffee strong but not too strong as this is for you. This is a good coffee powder, you'll see once you open the can. The dark roast is a wonderful rich flavor and taste. Werather than the full-octane (with caffeine) varieties.
These are just some of the interesting czech foods, which are rarely seen outside the czech Republic. There are literally dozens of other products and more to come. Discover the taste of czech cuisine without leaving home!
Explore czech cuisine - try these delicious little known Czech
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