The venerable peanut butter cookie recipe is one that almost every chef has in his arsenal. They are generally among the simplest of creations, a few ingredients and cooking method to test bullet that achieves a high degree of success. But the simplicity of the recipe leads to an inevitable end: At a certain point is a bit 'boring.

Fortunately, the simplicity of the recipe is a continuous trial. For inspiration you can draw from yourlikes and dislikes in the world or just in the kitchen tasty candy to go for great ideas.
World Cuisine
One of the variants is the chocolate in half eines half-baked cookie, which is finite, while the chocolate melts gelegt kiss. This is known by many different names depending on region or ethnicity. But why stop at kissing? Get this screen immature and write your signature flavor. Try blob of jelly, candy or other pieces ofSweets. An intrepid adventurer also uses cookies bacon bits cooked on top, in tribute to the popular peanut butter and bacon sandwich.

The latter is an example of inspiration across the board in a spicy peanut recipe butter cookie heaven. What are some other flavors you've heard of using peanut butter or peanuts yourself? World and ethnic cuisines use a lot of peanuts, because they are particularly abundant in warmer climates and a relatively cheap sourceProteins.
To begin with, to dust off that box of curry powder and spices in the cabinet to try a shake or two for a couple of cookies in one batch. There are many different types of curry, from mild to fiery vindaloo, and all are tasty and interesting additions.
If you want a little 'more conventional, cinnamon is a great addition, too. Let go! Create a complete game and add a different flavor to each of them to see what you want. OnlyMake sure you keep track of what's what!
Variations on Peanut Butter Cookie RecipesThanks To : Kitchen Exhaust Fans
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