Today almost every major city in the world has a restaurant, like a Mexican cuisine. Actually, a lot, even of what has happened in Mexico in the international context is actually an amalgam of recipes that come to be known as a Tex Mex must.

historians say that Tex Mex born almost 200 years ago, when northern Mexico and Texas was what was under the same ruler. In fact, the Anglos dominant Spanish-Mexican government invited him to come,South Texas as settlers, the population growth and its economy. A region inhospitable for most agriculture was the main cattle industry, which has returned collection of thousands of cattle on the tables in the East.
World Cuisine
With a porous border and traveled back and forth food easily, seamlessly able to say what little food and what was indigenous Texas native Mexican cuisine, with Spanish accents. Sun Tex Mex was born, a powerful combination of beef friendlysometimes pork or chicken with peppers, tomatoes, onions, corn and beans and tortillas, all points of the region prepared. Known for decades as a regional specialty, Tex Mex took off in early 1970 as a favorite of the younger generation. Gourmet kitchen has started to dress the rich seafood once a famous and sweets like cakes and pastries as sopapillas, usually with honey.

However, the authentic Mexican cuisine is very different from itsBlended cousin, Tex Mex. Every state in Mexico and some areas are the traditional dishes with great stories. Some examples of this summary are:
Nuevo Leon: If each state could be Mexican food, like his grandfather's Tex Mex, Nuevo Leon, is along the Rio Grande. Here we see huge corn tortillas (more than 25 inches in diameter) Sobaqueras called, used to eat meat as the Arrachera. Nuevo Leon is also the home of todaypopular fajitas and burritos.
Tamaulipas: This coastal State Rice gave birth to the Tampiqueña meat, meat scale, large steaks were grilled and served accompanied by blacks beans, guacamole (mashed avocado with tomatoes, onions and spices).
Puebla: Mole poblano, the thick, dark chocolate sauce from Puebla complex and other ingredients created. Mole is most often used with chicken, although it can decorate anyMeat. Many restaurants serve enchiladas in mole, or corn tortillas filled with chicken, cheese or meat and onions, fried in mole sauce.
Yucatan: the former home of the Maya, Yucatan is the birthplace of cochinita pibil, a dish of pork marinated in citrus juice acids of seeds, strongly colored with annatto, and sheet wrapped roasted in a banana.
South-Central Mexico: Here are cooked pozol, soup created byAztecs. Some ingredients after the Spanish conquest of Mexico changed, but remains the most original recipe: meat broth with corn, avocado and some spices. A specialty is Tacos de Guisado, wrapped with corn or flour tortillas for a meat stew.
Jalisco: This was on the Pacific side of Mexico is best known for pico Beer, a tomato stew with pork or goat served with corn and de Gallo, a spice often rolled tortillasJicama, onions, cilantro, tomatoes and lime.
Mexican food is often sweet desserts, many of which are chocolate (xocolatl as the food of the gods) completed. There are also traditional Mexican sweets as Cocadas milk and coconut Mueganos or popcorn with sugar and caramelized sweet Alegrias amaranth seeds and honey.
Tex Mex and Mexican food are different types of cuisineFriends Link : Kitchen Exhaust Fans
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