If Taco Bell-style Mexican food eaten, rather than dishes of Mexican cuisine, all would be huge! The truth about the Mexican food is traditional Mexican food recipes very little resemblance to Mexican food recipes junk to carry.

If you are your character and just trying to lose a few pounds or simply enjoy preparing and eating delicious nutritious meals, tend the calories in the form of Mexican food, very friendly, if you prepare meals in the traditional MexicanWay.
World Cuisine
What you eat Mexican?
It may surprise you to know that the Mexican people to eat beef, chicken, fish, seafood and cheeses and a wide range of fruits and vegetables.
Famous Mexican foods such as quesadillas, empanadas and Mexican salad layers are regularly consumed, but the Mexican-style soups and seafood are also very popular there and love the Mexican variety. In fact, the Mexican cuisine is a variety of cuisinesWorld.
Typical examples of Mexican Food
A typical Mexican food recipe combines beef, chicken or fish with vegetables such as corn, tomatoes, avocado, peppers, onions and garlic. popular spices in authentic Mexican recipes are many types of chili powder, cumin, salt and black pepper.
Mexican cheese, homemade salsa, tortillas and sour cream are also served in or with many recipes, Mexican food, but you can get the low fat versions of cheese andCream that really does not taste very different from their full fat alternatives.
Tacos Chicken low fat as
The following recipe shows how a low-fat tacos, which are packed with the best Mexican flavors, but still low enough in calories so you can indulge without feeling guilty about how to enjoy good food.
This recipe is for four, if each person is two tacos and seems healthy, but very satisfyingMeal.
A tasty recipe for Healthy Chicken Tacos
You will need:
8 corn tortillas 1 / 2 teaspoon salt 1 1 / 4 pound boneless chicken breast fillets, diced 1 red pepper, seeded and chopped 1 yellow onion, chopped 4 teaspoons canola oil or spray oil to low-fat 1 cup low-fat sour cream 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon cumin 1 hot pepper, seeded and chopped 1 cup salsa 1 / 2 cup low fat grated cheese Quarter cup chopped freshCoriander
Pat the chicken on paper towels to dry off. Half the oil in a frying pan over high heat and add the chicken. Brown is in for 5 minutes and pour a little 'when the liquid starts to advertise the chicken instead of browning. Remove the chicken from the pan.
Turn the heat to medium and add the remaining oil. Cook the onion in oil until tender. Add garlic, cumin, jalapeno and paprika. Continue to stir, scraping all the bits burnedFrom the bottom of the pan, cook for about 4 minutes.
Place the tortillas on a plate and cover with plastic wrap. Microwave for one minute. Stir the sauce and chicken in onion mixture and cook until everything is hot. Stir in the coriander and spoon the filling into warmed taco tortillas.
Authentic Mexican food that is low calorie and low fat
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